The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act requires each Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A program’s planning council or body (PC/B) to “assess the efficiency of the administrative mechanism in rapidly allocating funds to the areas of greatest need within the eligible area and at the discretion of the planning council, assess the effectiveness, either directly or through contractual arrangements, of the services offered in meeting the identified needs.”[Section 2602(b)(4)(E)] 

As such, the Assessment of the Efficiency of the Administrative Mechanism is a review of how quickly and well the RWHAP Part A recipient carries out the processes to contract with and pay providers for delivering HIV-related services, so that that the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) throughout the Newark EMA service area are met – with emphasis on PLWH and communities with the greatest need for Ryan White services. 

Assessment of the Efficiency of the Administrative Mechanism Reports

2024 Comprehensive Assessment of the Administrative Mechanism

2023 Assessment of Administrative Mechanism Update

2022 Assessment of the Administrative Mechanism Update

2021 Comprehensive Assessment of Administrative Mechanism

2020 Assessment of Administrative Mechanism Update

2019 Assessment of Administrative Mechanism Update

2018 Comprehensive Assessment of Administrative Mechanism

2017 Assessment of the Administrative Mechanism

2016 Assessment of the Administrative Mechanism

2015 Assessment of Administrative Mechanism Final

2013 Assessment of Administrative Mechanism Final

2012 Assessment of Administrative Mechanism Final

2011 Assessment of  Administrative Mechanism Final

Last Updated on: 09/20/24

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