The following Service Standards represent service categories funded by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A grant in the Newark EMA comprised of Essex, Union, Morris, Sussex and Warren counties. This grant is awarded to the City of Newark's Ryan White Unit [also known as the Recipient’s Office]. The intention is for the Service Standards to ensure uniform quality of all Part A services in the Newark EMA, regardless of the location where a person accesses services. See additional HRSA Service Standards Guidance.

Updates or revisions will be made to these service standards at least once per year. The primary goal of this process is to maintain the integrity and quality of all Part A services offered in the Newark EMA while clearly following the guidance of HRSA Policy Clarification Notices (PCN) to meet the most current definition of service categories under Ryan White Part A, the Part A and B National Monitoring Standards, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) care and treatment guidelines, state and local regulations and licensure requirements, or other emerging evidence-based best practices, such as the Best Practices Compilation, which gathers and disseminates intervention strategies that have been implemented in RWHAP funded settings and improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum. 

Universal Standards

Elements addressed in the Universal Standards apply to all service categories and are “separate” from service-specific standards. Universal Standards are critical to the service delivery within the EMA and their applicability cannot be over-emphasized.

Universal Service Standards (Rev. 02.21.24)

Service Category Specific Standards

Service Category specific Service Standards are designed for core medical and supportive service categories that receive Ryan White Part A funding in the Newark Eligible Metropolitan Area  (EMA).


Medical Case Management Service Standard(Rev. 05.15.24)

Outpatient Ambulatory Health Services (Rev. 05.15.24)

Early Intervention Service Standards (Rev. 03.20.24)

Mental Health Service Standards (Rev. 09.18.24) 

Substance Use Outpatient Care Service Standard.pdf(Rev. 09.12.23)

Health Insurance Premium and Cost Sharing Assistance (Rev. 10.18.23)

Oral Health Care (Rev. 10.18.23)

Medical Nutrition Therapy (Rev. 04.19.23)


Housing Service Standard (Rev. 05.15.24)

Non-Medical Case Management (Rev. 09.18.24)

Emergency Financial Assistance (Rev. 09.18.24)

Substance Use Service Standard (Residential) (Rev. 10.19.22 - No longer funded by RW) 

Food Bank-Home Delivered Meals Service Standard (Rev. 11.15.23)

Other Professional Services(Rev. 12.20.23)

Psychosocial Support Services(Rev. 12.20.2023)

Medical Transportation Service Standard (Rev. 06.26.2024)

Last Updated on 10-10-24